Y K Vijay

Prof. Y. K. Vijay

  • Received his M.Sc. degree s and Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (India) in 1975 and 1980 respectively. 
  • Director – Centre for Innovation in Science, IIS University Jaipur
  • Former Vice Chancellor, Vivekananda Global University Jaipur
  • Professor (Retd.), Department of Physics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
  • Ex-Director, Centre for Development of Physics Education,University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
  • Ex-Director, Centre for Non-conventional Energy Resources at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Research Areas

  • Material Science and Interaction of Radiation with Material
  • Thin Films, Optical, Electrical and Gas adsorption Properties
  • Metal hydrides, Bulk and Thin Films Hydrogen Storage Characteristics
  • Positron Annihilation, Defects Nucleation, Characterization and Migration
  • Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Bulk and Thin film Characterization
  • Polymers and Semiconductors Structure Modification by Energetic Ion.
  • Nano Filters for Gas Purification
  • Laboratory Instruments Development

My Publications

Indian Patent


Felloship and Awards

1976 CSIR Junior Research Fellowship (two years)
1977 UGC Senior Research Fellowship (two years)
1978 SIDA Fellowship, (11 months), at Uppsala University, Swedan                                                                                                                                                                     1990 INSA Fellowship, (Six months)
1992 ACU Fellowship, (3 months),Association of Commonwealth Universities, United
Kingdom, Sponsored Fellowship to visit, Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
1993 ICTP Visiting Fellowship for three years( one month each year), to visit Kenyatta
University, Nairobi, Kenya for upgrading the Laboratory Experiments.
1998 Young Research Award IUMRS (International Union of Material Research Society) for
the Model on Solid with Defects in Mono- Atomic and Binary Solid
ï‚· Ist PRIZE
Dr. K R Ramnath Awards For All India Teaching Aid Contest 1989 and 1990 Held at Ruparel College Bombay, By Indian Physics Association (IPA) and Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)
ï‚· The apparatus ANHARMONIC OSCILLATOR was Selected as best apparatus.
ï‚· The apparatus COUPLED OSCILLATOR SYSTEM was selected best apparatus.
These apparatus have been developed at the Center for Development of Physics,Education CDPE, University of Rajasthan, where the contributions of workshop staff are very important and ACKNOWLEDGED.

Research Projects

Received various research grants from following funding agencies:

  • UGC, New Delhi
  • CSIR, New Deli
  • IUAC (NSC), New Delhi
  • MNRE, New Delhi
  • DST, New Delhi
  • IUC-Indore
  • IUC-Kolkata
  • DAE-BRNS, Mumbai

Research Collaborators

  1. Dr. D.K. Avsthi,  IUAC, New Delhi
  2. Dr. P. V. Bhagvat BARC,Mumbai